Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What's going on right now?

Got the following code from the site I'm at today, I'll be using it for a while. The first chunk of code grabs current query plans; the second chunk looks at how memory is being used. Enjoy.

EXEC dbo.sp_WhoIsActive
@filter = '', -- varchar(128)
@filter_type = 'session', -- varchar(10)
@not_filter = '', -- varchar(128)
@not_filter_type = 'session', -- varchar(10)
@show_own_spid = 1, -- bit
@show_sleeping_spids = 0, -- tinyint
@get_full_inner_text = 1, -- bit
@get_plans = 1, -- tinyint
@get_outer_command = 1, -- bit
@get_task_info = 0, -- tinyint
@get_locks = 0, -- bit
@get_avg_time = 0, -- bit
@find_block_leaders = 1 -- bit

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(p.[object_id]) AS [ObjectName],
p.index_id, COUNT(*)/128 AS [Buffer size(MB)],  COUNT(*) AS [BufferCount],
p.data_compression_desc AS [CompressionType], a.type_desc, p.[rows]
FROM sys.allocation_units AS a WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors AS b WITH (NOLOCK)
ON a.allocation_unit_id = b.allocation_unit_id
INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p WITH (NOLOCK)
ON a.container_id = p.partition_id
WHERE b.database_id = CONVERT(int,DB_ID())
AND p.[object_id] > 100
GROUP BY p.[object_id], p.index_id, p.data_compression_desc, a.type_desc, p.[rows]

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