Monday, March 16, 2015

Fixing VLF issues for all databases on a server

/*Note: This script presumes that databases are in SIMPLE recovery mode (as it was at this client site at the time). It reduces log file size to minimum, then increases it to what it was before it was shrunk, in one big alter. At the same time, it changes autogrowth to 10% across the board.*/


SET @cmd = 'USE [?] ;

declare @filename varchar(1000), @dbcc varchar(2000), @alter varchar(1000), @size int

select @filename = name, @size = (size+127)/128 from sys.sysfiles where filename like ''%ldf''

print db_name()

print @filename

set @dbcc = ''dbcc shrinkfile (xx, 2)''

set @dbcc = REPLACE(@dbcc, ''xx'' ,@filename)

set @alter = ''ALTER DATABASE ['' + db_name() +

''] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = xx, SIZE = '' + convert(varchar, @size ) + ''MB, FILEGROWTH = 10%)''

set @alter = REPLACE(@alter, ''xx'' ,@filename)

print @dbcc

print @alter

exec (@dbcc)

exec (@alter)


Exec sp_msforeachdb @cmd